Tips for Engaging Video Lectures

Recording your lecture is one of the simplest ways to continue to provide instruction in addition to the text-based materials.  However, for a video lecture to support learning, there are some simple steps you can take to ensure your lectures are accessible to all learners. Keep in mind, lecture capture is not considered best practice in an online class, but in an emergency it can be utilized to temporality deliver asynchronous instruction students can access at anytime from anywhere.

Recording Tips

  • Select an appropriate distraction free background for recording
  • Position your camera so your entire face is visible
  • Position lighting in front of you
  • Use earbuds with a built in microphone to improve sound quality

Provide Visual Stimulus

  • Include visuals and images
  • Elaborate on your slides, do not just ‘read’ them. Tell a story, give a real world example, make connections back to other content in the course.
  • If you use images, be sure to describe them for students who may have visual impairment. Be sure to explain why the image is significant

Include Ungraded Activity Options

  • Plan for 10 to 2 interaction
    • If you talk for 10 minutes, plan for 2 minutes of student interaction. After 10 minutes ask students to stop the video and:
      • Jot down key takeaways
      • Answer a question you’ve posed
      • Solve an equation
      • Draw a concept map
    • Follow this pause by posing ideas students should have noted, or answers they may have generated, the solution to the equation, possible connections illustrated in their map, a sample of what their work should look like.
  • Provide a graphic organizer or notes page for students to download and complete as they follow the lecture

Additional Resources

Updated on October 14, 2021
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