Fix Headings in Canvas Content

Heading levels help segment material on the page, and help your students understand the hierarchy of topics and subtopics on your page. Chunking material prevents cognitive overload, providing information in digestible pieces for your students.

If you are consistent in your header level structure and sizing, students who are visual can quickly determine based on text size how the “main topics”(Header 2’s) relate to their subtopics (Header 3’s and Header 4’s.) For accessibility and usability purposes, headers should be nested properly (i.e., H2 > H3 and so on). 

Checking and Fixing Headings in Canvas

Pinning Services in myCI Guide

Steps for Checking and Fixing Headings in Canvas

  1. Sign in to myCI and click CI Learn to open Canvas
  2. From the Canvas Dashboard, select the course you’d like to work on and click on the course card to open it.
  3. Click on Accessibility Report from the course menu and check for the issue “The HTML’s heading structure does not start at the right level”
  4. Click on the name of the issue to display the specific course content with this heading issue.
  5. Click on the name of the content you’d like to work on and it will open in a new tab in your browser
  6. Click “Edit” in the top right corner and then click on the first heading.
  7. Check what the Paragraph Styles menu is showing for the selected text.
  8. Update the selected text to the correct Heading Level. Be sure not to skip a level.
    *Once you’ve identified the text as a heading you can update the size to your liking.
    **Repeat these steps for any other Headings within the same content area
  9. When finished click “Save” (draft form/if not previously published) or “Save and Publish” if it’s complete.


Updated on April 3, 2022
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