Syllabus Resources

The syllabus is your first opportunity to build a connection with your students and give them an impression of what they can expect from you and the course. In addition to policies, objectives, and assignments, your syllabus can demonstrate your teaching style, values, and commitment to helping every student in your course. An inclusively designed syllabus can contribute to the overall student success in your course.

These syllabus templates are designed for accessibility (including the tables inserted as placeholders). Using either syllabus template is your first step toward creating an accessible syllabus.

TLi strongly encourages faculty to use CI Docs for all course syllabi, which improves levels of access for instructors and students, makes it easier to update (when necessary), doesn’t clutter up the Files area in CI Learn, and eliminates file duplication. Additionally, you can use the Grackle Docs plugin to check accessibility.

Syllabus Checklist

A quick checklist that can be used against an existing syllabus to ensure you have all the required syllabus components in accordance with the CSUCI Syllabus Policy.

Syllabus Templates

Two syllabi templates are available, each as a Doc in CI Docs and a Microsoft Word Document: a text-based template and a text with graphics template.

CI Docs

You must be logged in to your CI Docs Account in order to View or Make a Copy of either syllabus template, to ensure that Grackle Docs plugin is available.

For assistance with how to Make a Copy, please refer to the directions below.

Directions to Make a Copy of CI Docs Syllabus Template

  1. If prompted to sign-in to Google, be sure to enter your email with
    For example, (Not your Webmail address)
  2. Proceed to login to myCI
  3. Once logged in, you’ll be prompted to make a copy
    You’ll be able to Edit your copy of the syllabus

Microsoft Word

The syllabus templates are also available as Word Documents.

TLi Recommendations

Below are some additional considerations to include in your syllabus or CI Learn course.

  • Provide guidance about AI.
    • Explain how students may or may not use Artificial Intelligence (AI) in your course.
    • If you plan to allow different uses based on the assignment, let students know that you will provide clear expectations for each assignment.
    • It is a good idea to encourage students to ask about ways they can or cannot use AI anytime they are unsure.
    • As we figure out how AI will impact teaching and learning, keeping an open line of communication and encouraging students to ask questions will help you support students in maintaining academic integrity while also learning how to make ethical decisions when using AI.
    • At this time, AI detection software continues to be inaccurate and unreliable. It also is biased against students for whom English is a second language and students with disabilities.
  • Establish a Disruption plan (i.e., natural disasters, people are displaced)
    • A communication plan with students about needs, safety, and how adjustments will be made
  • Use student-centered language that is affirming, supportive, and welcoming
    • Rather than focusing on the course content that will be taught, focus on what students will learn, need to do, and the skills they will gain.
  • Add due dates in CI Learn for all Assignments to support student learning and time management.
  • Sign in to CI Learn and Import the TLi Course Starter Kit to supplement the Syllabus template and improve course navigation for your students.
  • Include guidance on how to be successful in your course and include directions on how to troubleshoot/submit a ticket when students experience problems

Syllabus Creation Assistance

For questions about syllabus development, please consult with your Program Chair or Dean.

TLi can offer assistance with student-friendly language, creating a liquid syllabus to simplify updates, and guidance on adding the syllabus to your CI Learn course Syllabus area.

Updated on February 2, 2024
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